Sales Lab
Launch Blue is offering a multi-session Sales Lab to help our founders learn a founder-led sales approach and the best practices for early-stage startups.
How to Use This Course
Before we begin...
Session 1: "Founder Led Sales - Figuring it Out" with Pete Kazanjy
Session 1: Q & A
Session 2: "Founder Led Sales - Scaling It" with Pete Kazanjy
Session 2: Q&A
Session 3: “Founder Led Sales - Using Strategic Partnerships to Drive your Business” with David Van Sickle
Session 3: Q & A
Session 4: “Founder Sales Panel: The Good, the Bad, the F@!lure$*!” Part 1
Session 4: “Founder Sales Panel: The Good, the Bad, the F@!lure$*!” Part 2
End of Course Survey